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This doc explains how the implementation of login with Clave Unica was done in the Spree Cenabast project.

See also:

Keycloak is used for managing single sign-on from the Cenabast e-commerce application. A Keycloak realm is configured setting ClaveUnica as its identity provider


The default Spree authentication system (user/password) has been changed to use instead OmniAuth. We created a custom strategy for OmniAuth, to use the Keycloak realm as the autentication provider.

When the users click the login button, they get redirected to Keycloak and follow a OpenID flow. Using ClaveUnica as the identity provider.

The redirect lands on spree_user_clave_unica_omniauth_callback_path. The application obtains the access_token based on the one-time code provided by Keyclock. With this, it can obtain user info.

At the moment (2024/02/15), we only obtain the preferred_username as significative information as part of the response. This field will contain the user RUN.

For protecting unrestricted access. A before_action logic was configured in order to redirect every (non-devise) action from guest users to the login page.

Keycloak requirements

  • A Keycloak distribution must be available.
  • The IdP provider must be set as Clave unica
  • A Client must be created for its use in the Spree application (Client ID and Secret must be provided).
  • The Client must be able to pull the needed scopes (openid profile email)
  • The access setting URLs must match the URls that the application uses (Root URL, Home URL, Redirect URIs, Post logout redirect URIs, Web Origins)

Important environment variables


    • Client ID

    • Client Secret to use (left blank to not use secret)

    • URL where Keycloak is hosted

    • Realm to use